979 NSN @ Batu Maung

NSN stands for Nine Seven Nine (979) is the name of this coffee shop. There are many stalls in this coffee shop, but only one that you should take note of. Yup, as below! It's so yummy..

However yummy this could be, the waiting time is super duper long so please order some titbits while waiting for your food.

Fish Bee Hun Soup - 鱼肉米粉汤 (RM6.00)

Bitter gourd Soup with white rice -  苦瓜汤饭 (RM6.00)
The soup contains different ingredients. 苦瓜汤内有不同的肉料

Fish Meat Fried Mee Hun - 炒鱼肉米粉 (RM6.00)